Annotated bibliography of strict finitism
The aim of this page is to bring together the materials (including my own) that I have collected over the years related to strict finitism. I have tried not to include those constructivist proposals that clearly allow for some form of potential infinity. Thus, e.g., intuitionist materials or studies in bounded arithmetic are not to be found here (with some possible but motivated exceptions) . The annotations are rather minimal as some of them, e.g., Alexander Yessenin-Volpin’s contributions or Wittgenstein’s views, require complete papers (if not books) in order to present a proper analysis.
The object of this bibliography is, firstly, to give a chance to everyone interested to save time, secondly, to show that there is plenty of stuff out there, and, thirdly, to have some kind of structure in the wealth of materials. Of course, the movement goes both ways. If there are obvious gaps, do let me know (this is the only place on this website, where I mention my e-mail address with the usual substitution for {at}: jpvbende{at} This is obviously not the final form and I hope to update this bibliography with a sufficiently high frequency. The date will each time be added to keep different versions apart. To access the document just click on the link below.