
On this page I bring together some special items that are most likely not that well known but nevertheless merit scholarly attention. Since they are not well known, this often implies that they are hard to find and that is the second reason for the existence of this page.

1. The first item is a paper by Jean Gorren (pdf, with apologies for the sometimes low quality). It was published in Epistémologie sociologique, n° 7, 1° semestre 1969. The title is “Théorie analytique de la dialectique”. It can be counted among the first attempts to formalize the dialectical process, simultaneously with the work of Newton da Costa and others. Jean-Baptiste Gorren was a Belgian mathematician and Marxist philosopher, born 1891, and passed away in 1971. See also the WIkipedia entry (in French). A useful book that helps to situate the work of Gorren is Sociologie et logique, written (in French) by Pierre Naville (Paris: PUF, 1982).